As a Quantum Healing Hypnosis and Entity Release practitioner, a very important part of what I do is spiritual protection, some might call it 'Defence Against the Dark Arts' as made popular in the Harry Potter movies. Although most of us may not see, hear or feel the spiritual world around us, good and bad spirits and energies are around us every single day. Why can't most of us see or experience these spirits? Because we are not 'tuned in' to their particular frequency. Experiencing spirit is a bit like tuning to radio to the specific frequency in order to be able to hear the broadcasted material. Just because you cannot see, hear of feel these entities, does not mean they don't exist or cannot affect you. On the contrary, the negatively polarised spirits will try anything they can to affect and zap the energy of a human.
Luckily, the work that I do offers me some level of protection - it is spiritually protected work, protected by Source for helping to free the human spirit from negative entities - my friend who is psychic told me this week that I have 2 angelic protectors (or guardsmen) around me, guarding my space from evil spirits. She can see them, but I cannot, as I am not yet tuned in to their frequency, but I do feel protected. It's good to know, but even so, I still take my own spiritual protection seriously, using other methods, as I come up against demons and other negative spirits when I work.

In order to try and help my clients and other people who have very little idea of the whys and hows of spiritual protection, I have written a guide book to help, called 'The Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Protection' (available here)

I found that writing a practical guide on Spiritual Protection was quite a difficult subject to tackle - not least because Spiritual Protection is not a tangible object - you can’t feel it, touch it or see it, unless you have particular gifts. I have only, in the last few years, come to realise that spiritual protection is just as important, as say putting on a warm coat in cold weather to protect yourself from hypothermia, or wearing a parachute if you’re jumping out of an aircraft. Â
Whether you are a healer, light worker, witch, psychic, empath, tarot reader, someone who is open to energies, or just a lay person who is completely unaware of the spirit world around them, spiritual protection is a must to ensure that you are not putting yourself at risk of spiritual or energetic attack.
What is spiritual or energetic attack?