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Entity Release: What is it and How it can Transform Your Energy

The term 'Entity Release' is not something that the average person comes across on a daily basis and I'm certain that the majority of people would have little idea of what it was or why it was necessary. Having been exposed to the world of the 'unseen' and having been a believer in all things paranormal, from quite a young age, it came as no shock to me when I discovered that spiritual 'possession' in all its forms, however subtle, was not only possible, but was a very common occurrence. It is said that around 70-80% of the world's population have entity attachments and are completely unaware.

I learned about entity attachment after becoming qualified as a QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) practitioner, and coming into more contact with spiritually minded people. I'd heard about serious cases of demonic possession before, and was aware of how the Catholic Church dealt with these, with members of the clergy being trained in 'exorcism'. It was only after training in a new Quantum Healing modality, known as Soul Centre Healing Hypnosis, or SCHH, that I discovered the true nature of entity attachment and how to deal with this problem for the benefit of my clients who were very keen to heal.

Entity attachment is where a spirit entity, such as a demonic being, or an earthbound human spirit, attaches to the energy body of a person, becoming an energy parasite. They are able to attach when the energy body of the person is fractured, usually by some kind of trauma, and this allows the entities to leach off their victim, which can cause physical, emotional, mental and behavioural issues.

I am now of the personal opinion that all schizophrenia cases have a root in multiple negative entity attachment.

So, what is Entity Release? Entity Release is a process by which these parasitic, negative entities can be compassionately removed from a person's fields and taken back to Source / God / The Light. Using the SCHH technique, this is done with a client under hypnosis. The client remains in a relaxed state and is asked to scan their body for any signs of dense or negative energy. Once these negative entities are located, they are spiritually 'netted' and are invited to converse with the practitioner, who will aim to find out: who or what they are, why they have attached to the client, and what effect they've been having on the client whilst they've been attached.

During this process, the client is able to find out why they have been experiencing particular physical or emotional issues, for example: fatigue, headaches, anger, insecurity etc, and will usually find that once that entity is released, that the issue immediately disappears.
The release takes place once the entity has either been 'talked over' to Source, or in some cases, where a demonic entity has refused to go to the Light, they are more forcibly removed and sent back to where they've originated. Most entities, even demons, once they have seen the Light, are very willing to go, and even express remorse and offer their apologies to the client!

As a case example, one of my clients had an ongoing issue over the period of about a year, with his vision in one eye, which kept 'glitching' and he'd had to quit his job as a truck driver because of this. His GP and ophthalmologist had not been able to find any issues with his sight or any underlying physical condition. During the SCHH session, once the client was under hypnosis and doing the body scan, we found an entity in the eye area and it turned out to be a demon. The demon stated that it had been attached to the client for around a year, in order to 'cause misery' and 'eye problems'. Once the entity was successfully removed, the client's vision returned to normal, the glitching ceased immediately, and he was able to comfortably resume driving once more.

After an entity release session, many of my clients report feeling 'lighter', saying that their energy has returned, and that persistent physical issues have disappeared completely. Many of these attachments can lay undiscovered for years, sometimes for whole lifetimes, but with entity release using SCHH we can compassionately free those entities - a blessing not only to the client, but also to the entity. In doing this we allow the client's energy fields to release that dense parasitic energy, providing physical, emotional and mental healing.

How would you know if you have a negative entity attachment though? Well, there are many tell tale signs of these attachments, and I have created a quiz which should be able to tell you if you are a likely candidate for entity attachment. It's completely anonymous, you don't have to enter any personal details to get the instant result and, you can find it here:

Key indications of entity attachment can include any of the following:
  • Feeling 'out of control'
  • Having a lack of energy
  • Brain fog
  • Anxiety
  • Low self-esteem
  • A sudden change in behaviour or personality
  • Behaviour change after organ transplant
  • Suddenly acquiring a new 'taste' for something or new skill out of the blue
  • Feeling upset for no apparent reason
  • Having thoughts of self-harm or suicide
  • Destructive or self-sabotaging behaviour
  • Having a terrible temper
  • Sudden mood swings
  • Suffering depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Hoarding
  • Night terrors, nightmares, unusual sleep behaviours, and sleep walking
  • Hearing voices in your head
  • Having thoughts that feel contrary to your own
  • Feeling like you become a 'different person' when you drink
  • Having periods of 'blacking out' or being unable to recall events
  • Having addictions - for example alcohol, drugs, pornography
  • Paranormal disruptions in your home

If you think you might have an entity attachment that's causing you issues, I'd be very pleased to help. I offer Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions with entity release both online (worldwide) and face-to-face (in Warminster, UK). You can find out more by visiting my website at

Thanks for reading, and much love x

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